Starting Sept. 1, some staff at SCLS Admin are embarking on the adventure of using instant messaging to communicate both in the office and with member libraries. (You can get our screen names from the directory, and more background from Online Update.)
IM is becoming as common - if not more so - than email, so it makes sense to think about being available this way. More libraries are using IM for on-the-fly reference, as well (see "IM me" from LJ, 4/1/2005). The Libsuccess Wiki has a list of libraries using online reference, like Alexandrian Public Library in Mount Vernon, IN and St Charles Public LIbrary in IL.
There are some drawbacks, which I'll just touch on. For example, in our technology situation, it's best to use the web-based, rather than the downloadable client, versions of IM services, because updating the "free" software costs too much in staff time. Fortunately the web-based services (MSN, Yahoo! and AIM Express) are easy to use and fairly reliable.
At our office we've been using Meebo, which lets us monitor our IMs on 3 services at once. It's web-based, and even has "widgets" that let people IM you without an account. However, it's far from perfect. Sometimes the little "boop" that lets you know you have a message doesn't work, and sometimes the MeeboMe widgets don't function at all.
So please bear with us as we work out the kinks in this new endeavor, and share your IM stories, too!