Promoting online resources
Wow. How things have changed over the past week.
I ran across this blog post over the weekend, written by a Danish library director who wrote about the process of closing their libraries and what they are doing to support their library users during the closure. About promoting online resources he writes,
- "All school kids in Denmark are sent home. We are going to provide learning resources to parents so they can teach from home. Many publishers are closing down paywalls opening up content so we will be promoting those as well
- We will increase our budgets on digital content
- We will not only push digital library collections but also other relevant resources
- We will experience [sic] with online book discussion and in general see what relevant activities we can move to digital platforms"
I've already seen lots of Facebook posts and emails from our member libraries sharing what their libraries are doing related to COVID-19 and sharing information about all the electronic resources that are available from outside the library. Many on Facebook are also sharing other helpful resources they've heard about. Here are a couple of the posts worth mentioning that have come through my Facebook feed via a library:
- OverDrive has shared on their blog that they are "in the process of assembling a series of digital content options to respond to the challenges your communities are facing." More information on that will be coming early next week.
- StoryLine Online posts, "With school closures around the country due to #coronavirus, please use our FREE children's literacy resource featuring the world's best storytellers reading books aloud. Each video includes an activity guide with lessons for K-5 students to do at home." I just checked their site and was very excited to find Betty White reading one of my favorites: Harry the Dirty Dog. What fun!
- Charter/Spectrum will be offering free access to spectrum broadband and wi-Fi for 60 days for new K-12 and college student households
Reminder: If you are promoting system-wide or locally-subscribed online resources that are authenticated by SCLS, please be sure to use the resource links that go through the SCLS authentication.
If your library is on Facebook and you'd like to follow the South Central Library System or any of its member libraries on Facebook, you can find us here:
- SCLS member libraries and other organizations "liked" by SCLS (you'll need to be signed into Facebook to see these)
Stay safe, and if there are any TechBits topics you'd like to see in upcoming weeks, please let us know.