You can CAN (Community Area Network)
For the past two years I have been fortunate to participate in the Wiscnet Community Area Network Advisory Group. Some of you may already participate in a CAN and some of you may never have heard about CANs. The 2016/2017 Advisory group created a white paper on CANs that does an excellent job of explaining what they are and what you should know about them. When CAN discussions begin, one of the first thing that the group talks about is defining "anchor institutions." The public library in a community should always be considered an anchor institution. A library should be prepared to have someone participate in the discussions even just to make their presence known. The WiscNet CAN Advisory group developed this workflow document that makes it really easy for a group to work through the process of forming a CAN (or not). If you are interested in hearing more about CANs, there will be presentations at the upcoming WiscNet Connections conference. Yes, you can understand CANS.