Data helps answer questions and tell stories. As Stephen Few, a data visualization guru, quoted:
“Numbers have an important story to tell.
They rely on you to give them a voice.”
New tools, like Tableau, make it easier to explore data for story insights. There is, however, a data glut with access to data (BIG DATA!) that wasn't available 5 years.
As I've been learning Tableau, I've been collecting datasets that can support library initiatives. I was introduced to some of these datasets at workshops, like WiLsWorld 2017: Making the Most of Demographic Data presented by faculty and staff from the UW-Madison Applied Population Lab. The following is my consolidated list of free datasets (so far), which is also available as a handout: Please let me know of other datasets to add to the list!
American FactFinder:
Includes population, age, business and industry, education, governments, housing, income, origins and language, poverty, race and Hispanic origin, and veteran data.
Census Bureau TIGER/Line Shapefiles:
Shapefiles for U.S. census tracts, voting wards, county subdivisions, school districts, and more.
Census Bureau Data Tools and Apps:
A list of powerful analysis tools such as OnTheMap, QWI Explorer, and Census Geocoder.
County Health Rankings:
Vital health factor and outcome measures.
FoodShare WI Data:
Monthly case counts, recipients, and benefits by county and state.
Census and American Community Survey (ACS) data by state, county, or county subdivision.
Global Libraries Data Atlas:
Data visualization portal for tracking performance and impact metrics of international libraries.
Home Based Private Education-Statistics:
Enrollment of WI home schooled students by CESA, grade, district, and county.
Homeless Student Enrollment by Public School District:
Enrollment of homeless students by WI school district.
Impact Survey results:
Library patron technology survey results.
Kids Count Data Center:
Data and trend analysis that tracks the well-being of children in the United States.
Madison Neighborhood Indicators:
Madison demographic, housing, public safety, health, economic vitality, and transportation indicators.
Open Enrollment Data and Reports:
Open enrollment data on pupil and aid transfer in and out of each WI school district.
Pew Research Center Datasets:
Raw data from Pew Research.
Project Outcome:
Outcome data from library surveys throughout the United States.
Public Library Survey:
Annual survey results since 1988 on the state of public libraries in the United States.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (WI):
Agricultural statistics that includes a Quick Stats searchable database that can be limited by geographic areas.
WI Department of Administration (DOA) Demographic Services Center:
Population estimates and projections for all WI towns, villages and cities.
WI Department of Health Services Data & Statistics:
Vital WI health statistics by topic.
WI Food Security Project:
Data and charts about the food security infrastructure in Wisconsin.
WI Geospatial Data:
A list of resources for downloading commonly-requested WI geospatial datasets including boundary maps.
WI Information System for Education WISEdash:
Multi-year education data about WI schools.
WI Information System for Education WISEdash data resources:
Data sources about students, schools (staff, programs, finance), performance reports, and types of schools.
WI Public Library Service Data:
Annual public library statistics at the state, county, system, and library levels.
WI School District Performance Report (SDPR):
Annual school report with multiple indicators and comparisons to districts in the same athletic conferences.
WI School Nutrition Program Statistics:
Participation in nutritional programs including WI school free/reduced eligibility data.
WI State Legislature Open GIS Data:
Open GIS datasets including WI legislative district collections and election data.
WI WORKnet Data Table Menu:
WI economic data on employment and unemployment, wages, occupations and industries.