Office 365 Contact Lists and Groups Explained
Within Office 365 there are two items found within the People section that I'd like to explain as they are a little confusing. The two items I'm talking about are "Contact lists" and "Groups". The part that I've found confusing is knowing which one to use when you want to send an email out to a lot of people. Both of these differ from a patron email list in the fact that an email from it shows that it came from the name of the patron email list and only the list administrators can send out emails to the list. Whereas email from a "Contact list" or "Group" shows that it came from your personal email address and anyone can send out emails to the list by using Reply All. So when you're emailing patrons it is best to use an email list.
So what is a "Contact list?"
A "Contact list" (formerly called a distribution list) allows you to send an email message to all the email addresses in the list at once. That way you don't need to enter every email address every time you need to send an email to the same group of people. The really important thing about a contact list is that it allows you to send emails to people that are not within your organization's Office 365.
So what is a "Group?"
A "Group" has the same features as a "Contact list" but the key difference is that it only allows you to send emails to people that are within your organization's Office 365. The reason for this is that it was designed by Microsoft to be used for team collaboration within an organization.
I hope this clears up any confusion, but if not you can feel free to give me a call at the Help Desk.