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Remove Addresses from Office 365 Autocomplete

The purpose of this TechBit is to show how to remove a single contact from the Office 365 Autocomplete feature.  This procedure will become very useful when the SCLS-hosted Email Lists are retired and we switch over to a similar service provided by WiscNet. MH900229717

  1. Click New Mail.
  2. Click in the To: field.
  3. Begin typing the first few characters of the contact.  (This could be a person's email address, a person's name or a list email address.)
  4. In the resulting list, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight the entry you'd like to remove.
  5. Press the Delete key to remove the highlighted contact.

These instructions also appear on the Office 365 FAQ page.  The HWDSB (Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board) has a decent video that may help as well. Thanks to Kerri of SCLS for the TechBit topic idea.


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The first time I tried this it worked perfectly. The next few times it failed to do anything, although I was able to arrow up and down to highlight different names/addresses.

Check to make sure you don't have an entry for the old address in your contacts. If you have a contact entered for the old address, it will keep appearing in the autocomplete suggestions even after you try to delete it from autocomplete.

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