Day 8: Finding free ebooks
Are you an adventurous reader? Is "Frugal" your middle name? Is your appetite for ebooks so great that you always have the maximum number of titles checked out from OverDrive and still want more? We've collected together some sources for free ebooks for you. Did we miss a good one? Let us know in the comments!
Classics: Most classic (public domain) ebooks are stored by Project Gutenberg and a few other sources, but many other sites make the same titles available. They may offer enhanced browsing/searching interfaces or add value with summaries, excerpts, and reader reviews.
- Project Gutenberg
- OverDrive's "Always Available" Additional eBooks (from Project Gutenberg)
- (better-formatted EPUB versions of Project Gutenberg titles)
- (mainly Project Gutenberg titles)
- Internet Archive Ebook and Texts Archive and Open Library
- Google eBookstore
Small/Independent Publishers and Self-Published Authors: You won't find current bestsellers here, but there's a chance you might stumble on something new and wonderful. (Your mileage may vary!)
- (available formats vary)
- (free TXT & PDF ebooks; membership fee for EPUB ebooks)
- Smashwords (mix of free and for-purchase ebooks)
- Baen Free Library (selected sci-fi titles from Baen Books)
- Feedbooks (mix of free and for-purchase ebooks -- "Original Books" seem to be new Creative Commons-licensed titles)
Free titles from Ebook Vendors: An account, device, or specific app may be required to use these titles.
- Free NOOK Books (from Barnes & Noble)
- Free Book Collections for Kindle (from Amazon) and Free Books for Your Kindle (from eReaderIQ) and Free Kindle Books (from iReaderReview)
- Free Ebooks (from Kobo)
- Free Ebooks (from Sony's Reader Store)
The Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library has an extensive list of sites for free ebooks:
(found when I was checking out the Wisconsin Valley Library Service's page for "eBooks, eReaders & Libraries" which also has lots of good links and resources:
Posted by: Kerri | 12/14/2011 at 09:36 AM