Quit Mousing Around
"To kill, you must know your enemy, and in this case my enemy is a varmint." -- Carl Spackler, Caddyshack
A while back, I wrote about how much I appreciate my vertical mouse. Well, I continue to have repetitive stress issues with my shoulders and hands, so more and more I'm trying to avoid reaching for the mouse at all. It's a pest and a varmint, I say. Keyboard shortcuts to the rescue!
We've had a few other SCLS blog entries on nifty keyboard shortcuts, including some general cheats and how to "right-click" without clicking.
But wait, there's more! In fact, a whole lot more than I can summarize in a single blog posting. That's OK, others have gone before me on this front. Peruse some of these articles for plenty of great tips:
Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Shortcuts (cool!)
More Best Shortcuts (including the nerdy kind I need so much!)
Windows XP Shortcuts (most also work in Vista and Windows 7)
Image credit: Nina Matthews, under Creative Commons licensing.