Making changes to SCLS-supported library PCs
One of the things we've heard over the years is that libraries would like more control over their PCs. In late 2010, SCLS proposed the optional "Partnership Program" service to provide libraries the ability to manage aspects of their SCLS-supported PCs.
It took us a little while to put all the necessary parts into place, but we finally kicked things off for staff PCs in December 2011. After piloting the program at a couple of libraries, we opened up the service to all libraries in May 2012 and now have 8 libraries signed on!
Where are we now?
- The Partnership Program is currently available for staff PCs only
- 8 SCLS libraries are participating
- Interested libraries can find more information here:
What about patron PCs?
Because of their complex lockdown and security, SCLS will not be offering the Partnership Program for Windows XP patron PCs.
The technicians have developed a configuration for Windows 7 staff PCs that will continue to allow participation in the Partnership Program, and they are starting to look at the configuration for Windows 7 patron PCs. Our goal is to offer two flavors of patron PCs-- a restricted-browsing "catalog" PC, and a full-featured internet PC with a lot of software.
The final lockdown and security settings for the Windows 7 patron PCs will determine whether we will be able to extend the Partnership Program to Windows 7 patron PCs. If not, we will look at offering another SCLS-supported option that will allow libraries to make their own configuration changes and add their own software, but which may not include all of the lockdown, security, and update features available on our standard patron PCs.