Database authentication support will now be handled by the Help Desk. Cindy Weber will be taking on primary responsibility and Brian Hahn will be providing routine support when you call the Help Desk. So, when one of your patrons has difficulty logging in to a database, the Help Desk will be your resource.
This change in database authentication support represents completion of the second half of phase 3 of the Technology Services reorganization (see blog post on phase 1 and blog post on phases 2 & 3). Kerri Hilbelink has now transitioned her database authentication responsibilities and you should contact the Help Desk for future support.
There is one last transtition to make--The One Help Desk for Koha and Technology support. Our goal is to make it easy for you to get help and we are moving toward one place for you to contact. We will then figure out the who and how. We have already taken steps toward this by changing the contact to Help Desk for many of the entries on the Technology Topical directory. Watch for details on this coming soon.
Note: if you do still call Kerri about Library Online or database authentication problems, she will very nicely refer you to the Help Desk. Kerri is now super busy working with the Field Support team. I'll bet some of you have seen her in your library in the past few months.