DVD recording now available for Information Literacy for Life. This program was originally presented on November 21, 2008.
Mary Evangeliste, Director of User Services &
Outreach at Gettysburg College and co-founder of Fearless Future:
Marketing & Design for things that matter, will bring together
three librarians from three very different institutions and backgrounds
to explore how school librarians, public librarians, and academic
librarians can collaborate to create comprehensive information literacy
programs that span a user’s lifetime. You’ll get the foundation for
starting a local dialogue based on national principles. Mary will be
joined by Alex Hodges, Assistant Director of Library Instruction at
American University in Washington; Niketha McKenzie, School Librarian
at the Thurgood Marshall Academy, a public charter high school in
Washington, DC; and Roshin Mathew, a master’s student at University of
Maryland’s iSchool and a teacher of information literacy to older
adults through the public library as well as undergraduates at UM’s
Freshman Writing Program.
Resources and presentation slides
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