Presented January 16, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.
Blogs and RSS are the new email and are here to stay. SCLS is using blogs to communicate to you, our members. Online Update, Wicked Cool, Know More, and Get in the Van are just a few of the blogs produced by SCLS staff for our member libraries. Join SCLS staff for an informative session on blogs and RSS readers – and maybe even start your own!
Blogs and RSS Readers were a part of the first semester of Project Play. If you want to get a head start on these topics, check out weeks 2 and 3 of Semester 1 at The short videos by Common Craft are excellent introductions to these topics and I encourage you to view these before the Brain Snack and come with any questions you may have.
Slides (ppt)
Recording is no longer available (6/28/13)