- Koha online workshops will have unlimited registration
- System Celebration is chance to meet new SCLS Director
- Member/Staff News
- Sauk City Public Library seeks new director
- New titles added to SCLS Professional Collection
- New BadgerLink databases
- Initial interactive broadband map available
- Nominate librarians for 2010 I Love My Librarian Award
- Continuing Education Calendar
Koha online workshops will have unlimited registration
The decision was made this week to make all Koha online workshops unlimited registration, which should alleviate any confusion by having both limited and unlimited registration workshops. However, this change means that all existing limited registration workshops had to be canceled.
If you had previously registered for one of the limited workshops, you will need to re-register. We will be scheduling the new workshops early next week, and anyone that registered for a limited workshop will receive an email with directions to re-register. If you have registered, just wait until next week after the new workshop schedule is announced. The good news is that anyone may sign up for any of the online workshops, so watch for emails in the next couple of days announcing the new workshops.
It’s important to remember that this in no way changes the "train-the-trainer" model that we are using to get all library staff trained on Koha. Designated trainers at each library should still sign up for one of the workshops so we know you are meeting your prerequisites for the hands-on training. As a reminder, pre-requisites are identified on the Workshop Descriptions page.
Registration will close for each online workshop one week prior to the workshop.
System Celebration is chance to meet new SCLS Director
System Celebration 2010, which will be held Tuesday, Sept. 21, at the Wintergreen Resort & Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells, is the perfect opportunity to meet new SCLS Director Martha van Pelt. She begins her duties on Sept. 1.
There will be a social hour from 6-7 p.m., featuring entertainment by the Wisconsin Dells High School Jazz Ensemble, and this will be the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself. Dinner is scheduled from 7-8 p.m., and the annual awards program will be from 8-8:30 p.m. Online registration is now available at www.scls.info/about/systemceleb/.
There is no charge for local elected officials, head librarians (or designee) of member libraries of all types, and current trustees of SCLS area library boards. You do have the option to pay for your meal if you believe there is an ethical conflict with SCLS paying for your meal. The meal cost for spouses/guests and other attendees is $20, and must be sent by Sept. 7 to South Central Library System, 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 101, Madison, WI 53718-8345.
This year's menu includes a choice of Chicken Chardonnay, Roast Sirloin, or Pasta Primavera (vegetarian). If you are using a printed registration card, be sure to indicate your meal preference.
Please remember that if SCLS is paying for your meal, and you register but do not attend, we must still pay for your meal. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation before Sept. 13 (there can be no meal refunds after this date). If you must cancel after Sept. 13, please arrange for someone else to attend in your place. The registration deadline for System Celebration 2010 is Sept. 7, and all library staff members, trustees, elected officials and other library supporters are invited to attend.
We’re still in need of library photos for a slide show to be played during the social hour, and these should sent to Mark Ibach by Aug. 31.
Member/Staff News
Wendy W. Rawson has been named director of the Fitchburg Public Library, effective Oct. 4, 2010. She currently manages the Northwest Library, a cooperative venture between
Worthington Libraries and the Columbus Metropolitan Library. In 2007,
Worthington Libraries was named the National Library of the Year, and it consistently receives 5-star ratings from “Library Journal” magazine in its category of libraries of similar size and budget. Rawson received a BA in Sociology from Miami University in Oxford, OH, and a Master of Library Science degree from Indiana University. She has worked for Worthington Libraries in Worthington, OH, for the past 10 years, beginning as a Reference Librarian, becoming a Lead Librarian in 2004, and then a Library Manager in 2007.
If you’re interested in the progress of the new Fitchburg Public Library, you can check in through a project webcam that provides a live video feed.
Just a reminder that as of Aug. 16, access to Literature Resource Center is limited to only those libraries that subscribe, and to patrons with a subscribing library as their home library. Also as of Aug. 16, access to the What Do I Read Next? database is no longer available.
Sauk City Public Library seeks new director
The Sauk City Public Library is searching for a dynamic, community-minded director with vision for the future. The successful candidate must be able to enhance the library and its role in the community, and provide leadership and offer innovative library services.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, overall administration of the library, supervision and motivation of staff, financial management, strategic planning, programming, outreach and community relations, oversight of facility, advising the Library Board and Friends of the Library, and advocacy of the interests of the library.
The minimum qualifications include a Bachelor's degree from a liberal arts program and ability to obtain Grade 2 Wisconsin Library Certification; certification completion required within 4 years. Successful candidates will have excellent verbal and written communication skills, knowledge of current library technology, fiscal knowledge, and ability to work effectively with library board, library employees, and the community. Recent library school graduates are encouraged to apply. This is a full-time (40 hours per week) position. Salary is based on qualifications and experience, and benefits include health insurance, life insurance and state of Wisconsin employee trust fund retirement plan.
Please submit an application form, available at the library or at www.saukcitylibrary.org/about/employment.html, by Sept. 18, 2010, with cover letter, resume and three professional references to: Julie Rogers, Sauk City Public Library Board, 515 Water Street, Sauk City, WI 53583.
New titles added to SCLS Professional Collection
The following titles have been added to the SCLS Professional Collection, which is available to staff at member libraries.
- The Complete Guide to Fundraising Management, Third edition by Stanley Weinstein
- Writing Reviews for Readers’ Advisory by Brad Hooper
- HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith
- Read on… Women’s Fiction by Rebecca Vnuk
- A to Zoo, 8th edition by Carolyn W. Lima and Rebecca L. Thomas
- Hooked on Horror III: A Guide to Reading Interests by Anthony J. Fonseca and June Michele Pulliam
- Teen-Centered Library Service: Putting Youth Participation into Practice by Diane P. Tuccillo
- Hope, Hype, and VoIP: Riding the Library Technology Cycle by Char Booth
New BadgerLink databases
As reported in Channel Weekly (Vol. 12, No. 40 -- July 29, 2010), two new resources have been added to the BadgerLink suite of resources: LearningExpress Library and the Wisconsin Newspapers Digital Research Site.
LearningExpress Library provides online practice tests, courses, and eBooks to improve test preparation and test-taking skills. Wisconsin Newspapers Digital Research Site is a service of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. It provides access to the daily and weekly newspapers in Wisconsin, starting in 2005 to the present, with an embargo delay of 60 days.
BadgerLink provides Wisconsin residents and libraries with basic access to LearningExpress Library. Access to Computer Tutorials within LearningExpress Library is provided by SCLS for member libraries and their patrons through an LSTA grant. To ensure access to the Computer Tutorials, please use the following link: www.scls.lib.wi.us/cgi-bin/auth.cgi?connectto=LE
To access Wisconsin Newspapers Digital Research Site, please use the following link: www.scls.lib.wi.us/cgi-bin/auth.cgi?connectto=WINEWS. Onsite access at most SCLS member library workstations will not require a library card number, but entry of a library card number is required for remote users and some SCLS library workstations. A description of BadgerLink's library card number login process is available at www.scls.info/resources/databases/wndrs.html.
Initial interactive broadband map available
Chairperson Eric Callisto of the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) this week announced the initial release of Wisconsin’s high-speed Internet access (broadband) map as a part of a statewide broadband mapping and planning effort known as LinkWISCONSIN. The interactive map and information about Wisconsin’s broadband project is at www.link.wisconsin.gov.
“After months of hard work, I am pleased to release a preliminary version of Wisconsin’s broadband map,” Callisto said. “It shows not only our current progress, but where more work needs to be done to get this valuable technology deployed throughout Wisconsin.” The map can be accessed from the project website above, or directly at http://wi.linkamericadata.org/.
Last year, Gov. Doyle designated the PSC as the sole Wisconsin entity eligible to apply for and receive federal Recovery Act funding to develop regional broadband investment plans and to map broadband availability in the state. In November 2009, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded an initial grant of $1.7 million to the PSC for this purpose. The federal Recovery Act requires that a national broadband map be completed by February 2011.
High-speed Internet access, or broadband, provides opportunities to improve energy efficiency, education, public safety, healthcare, agriculture, and economic and community development.
“While we are making good progress adding needed infrastructure, too many Wisconsinites do not have access to a high speed broadband connection. This map can help providers of broadband service identify gaps in coverage in order to focus their deployment efforts.” Callisto added. The map is being released in beta version to give citizens an opportunity to provide feedback about its usefulness and accuracy.
“The map still needs to be refined, updated and enhanced periodically to make it a reliable planning tool and information source in the months and years to come,” explained PSC Division Administrator Gary Evenson. “I urge everyone to look at the map and provide feedback online. If you don’t have access now, please visit and use a computer at your local public library.”
The interactive map offers a number of navigation options. For instance, enter a street address or name of a public facility, such as a school or hospital, and instantly zoom to that location on the map. Or click anywhere on the map to go directly to a location. A pop-up window lists the available broadband providers at that address and a link to their websites.
For more information about Wisconsin broadband mapping visit www.link.wisconsin.gov.
Nominate librarians for 2010 I Love My Librarian Award
Nominations are now open for the 2010 Carnegie Corporation of New York/New York Times I Love My Librarian Award. The award invites library users nationwide to recognize the accomplishments of librarians in public, school, college, community college and university libraries for their efforts to improve the lives of people in their community. Nominations run through Sept. 20, and are being accepted online.
Up to 10 librarians will be selected, and each will receive a $5,000 cash award, a plaque, and a $500 travel stipend to attend a December award ceremony and reception in New York City, hosted by The New York Times.
Each nominee must be a librarian with a master’s degree from a program accredited by the ALA in library and information studies or a master’s degree with a specialty in school library media from an educational unit accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education. Nominees must be currently working in the United States in a public library, a library at an accredited two- or four-year college or university, or at an accredited K-12 school.
Last year, more than 3,200 library users nationwide nominated a librarian. For more information on last year’s winners, visit www.ilovelibraries.org/lovemylibrarian/home.cfm.