- Wisconsin receives nearly $23 million for broadband investments
- Applications due March 8 for SCLS Director position
- Reserve May 27 for All-Directors meeting
- Member/Staff News
- PTFS acquisition of LibLime canceled by joint agreement
- Order ‘Libraries for Real Life’ promotional materials
- OverDrive posters available
- ITG announces new relationship with SCLS member libraries
- Grant Awards/Opportunities
- UWSP hosts Central Wisconsin Library Conference 2010
- Celebrate! Celebremos!
- President Obama requests nearly $266 million for IMLS
- Continuing Education Calendar
- Wisconsin receives nearly $23 million for broadband investments
- Applications due March 8 for SCLS Director position
- Reserve May 27 for All-Directors meeting
- Member/Staff News
- PTFS acquisition of LibLime canceled by joint agreement
- Order ‘Libraries for Real Life’ promotional materials
- OverDrive posters available
- ITG announces new relationship with SCLS member libraries
- Grant Awards/Opportunities
- UWSP hosts Central Wisconsin Library Conference 2010
- Celebrate! Celebremos!
- President Obama requests nearly $266 million for IMLS
- Continuing Education Calendar