- Check out Grants blog
- Member/Staff News
- September 2007 Continuing Education Opportunities
- Children's Publishing Conference slated Oct. 12&13
- MATS scholarship deadline extended to 9/14
- PLA registration now open
- ‘Best Small Library In America’ award nominations sought
- PLA Awards applications now available online
- Continuing Education Calendar
Check out Grants blog
Navigating the sea of potential grants for library use can be a daunting challenge, but the goal of a blog from the South Central Library System is to make the task easier.
If you find information about grants you think should be listed, contact Bob Blitzke, executive director of the SCLS Foundation..
You can access the blog by clicking on the link at the top of the SCLS homepage, or visit the blog directly at
The August 2007 LINK Library Statistics Summary is posted on Automation's website at (password required).
Brenda Francis is the new youth services librarian at Spring Green Community Library.
The September issue of WSLL @ Your Service has been published at
September 2007 Continuing Education Opportunities
Here are some brief descriptions of September CE programs being sponsored by SCLS.
- Brain Snack: Working with Teens and Millenials -- Sept. 14 from noon to 1 p.m. delivered to your desktop via the SCLS OPAL room, with Shawn Brommer, SCLS Youth Services & Outreach Coordinator -- A recent PLA study shows that more teens than ever are visiting public libraries, using library resources and attending teen programs. This is the largest teen population in U.S. history and their needs and expectations are different and more unique than generations that came before them. Join us in this one-hour brain snack to learn more about the characteristics of this generation, discover what recent teen brain development reveals about their behavior and communication styles, and to hear about ways that libraries across the country are addressing the needs of today’s teens.
- The Customer Centered Library: How to Stop Tweaking and Start Doing It -- Sept. 27 from 9 a.m. to noon at SCLS Administration Offices, 5250 E. Terrace Drive, Suite A-2, Madison, with Karen Hyman, Executive Director, South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative -- Change requires upheaval. It’s past time for big changes in attitude, approach and environment to attract and delight your customer. What’s stopping you? Come and hear about 12 NEW steps with maximum impact for 2007. Participants will:
- clear the decks of all of the policies and procedures that perpetuate the past and do not serve us and our customers well;
- understand and anticipate the needs, wants and desires of customers today with innovative approaches to library environment and services; and
- acquire 21st century customer service skills and make opportunities for innovative customer service central to every library decision.
And on Oct. 4, SCLS will sponsor a Teen Services Symposium from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Wintergreen Resort & Conference Center in Wisconsin Dells. Presenter Christy Mulligan, Hennepin County Public Library, will address the fact that the current teen population is the largest in U.S. history. This population is using libraries more than ever before and their needs and expectations are very different than those of previous generations. In this symposium participants will examine teen development, learn about innovative teen programs, discuss what works and what doesn’t work when it comes to planning teen programs, and begin working on teen services action plans for their libraries. This symposium will help librarians see teens as individuals, whose needs can successfully be met by thoughtful and intentional library programs.
To register for any of these programs, visit the CE Calendar.
Children's Publishing Conference slated Oct. 12&13
The Center for Children's Literature, located in Hedberg Library at Carthage College in Kenosha, is hosting "The Business of Children's Publishing," October 12-13.
Get an inside look at the process of moving a children's book from first draft to bound book in a bookstore, told by authors, illustrators, publishers, marketers, and other experts.
For conference information and registration, visit
MATS scholarship deadline extended to 9/14
The deadline for the $250 Media and Technology Section (MATS) scholarship to the 2007 WLA conference has been extended to Sept. 14.
The recipient must be a MATS member, and will be required to attend as many MATS-sponsored sessions as possible and write a conference summary for the Winter MATS newsletter.
Any MATS member interested in applying for the scholarship should send their name, contact information and a short statement about why they want to attend the conference to Nichole Fromm via email.
Registration for PLA in Minneapolis is now open! CE grants ( are available to attend this conference, but since the conference is next year (March 25-29, 2008) payment won't be made to you until 2008.
‘Best Small Library In America’ award nominations sought
Library Journal's annual award for the “Best Small Library in America,” cosponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was founded to encourage and showcase the exemplary work of these libraries. Now in its fourth year, the award honors the public library that most profoundly demonstrates outstanding service to populations of 25,000 or less.
The winning library will receive a $15,000 cash award; a feature story in the Feb. 1, 2008, Library Journal; membership and conference costs for two library representatives to attend the Public Library Association Biannual Conference in 2008, and a gala reception at the conference.
Nominations are due Nov. 5, 2007. More information is available at
-- from Channel Weekly (Vol. 9, No. 47 -- Aug. 30, 2007)
PLA Awards applications now available online
PLA is now accepting applications for the 2008 PLA Awards. Members can nominate their colleagues and libraries for PLA Awards through the PLA website at The deadline for submitting an application is Dec. 3, 2007. Only electronic applications will be accepted.
The PLA Awards are designed to highlight the best in public library service by honoring those whose vision and accomplishments are extraordinary and deserve recognition by their peers.
PLA Awards include:
- Advancement of Literacy Award honors a publisher, bookseller, hardware and/or software dealer, foundation or similar group (i.e. not an individual) that has made a significant contribution to the advancement of adult literacy;
- Allie Beth Martin Award honors a librarian who, in a public library setting, has demonstrated extraordinary range and depth of knowledge about books or other library materials and has distinguished ability to share that knowledge;
- Baker & Taylor Entertainment Audio Music/Video Product Award promotes the development of a circulating Audio Music/Video collection in a public library;
- Charlie Robinson Award honors a public library director who, over a period of seven years, has been a risk taker, an innovator and/or a change agent in a public library;
- DEMCO New Leaders Travel Grant serves to enhance the professional development of public librarians new to the field by making possible their attendance at major professional development activities;
- EBSCO Excellence in Small and/or Rural Library Service Award honors a public library serving a population of 10,000 or less that demonstrates excellence of service to its community;
- Gordon M. Conable Award recognizes a public library staff member, library trustee, or public library that has demonstrated a commitment to intellectual freedom and the Library Bill of Rights;
- Grow Your Own @ your library Institutional Scholarship reimburses course tuition costs at the undergraduate or graduate level for the employees of nine public libraries;
- Highsmith Library Innovation Award recognizes a library's innovative and creative service program to the community.
An award jury appointed by the PLA President will review each nomination. The award juries will review the applications and select a recipient at the ALA 2008 Midwinter Meeting. Award winners will be announced in February 2008, and each award will be presented at the PLA President's Reception and Awards Presentation held during the ALA 2008 Annual Conference.
For more information, visit the PLA Awards web page.