Happy Tuesday - 2nd day of Koha and the new LINKcat! Hope all is going well for you and your libraries.
In case you need more things to think about beyond Koha, here are some upcoming courses and webinars that may be of interest (and yes, I'm cleaning out my email in box again):
Accidents Happen: Protecting & Saving Family Treasures, an ALCTS webinar, April 26, 2011 at 1 p.m. Central. Cost = FREE, this webinar is part of Preservation Week events.
Accidents and disasters happen. When it does are you prepared? Are your family treasures stored safely in your home or elsewhere? How do you save your photos when they've been submerged in flood water? What do you do if your books smell mildewy? What if your basement floods or worse? Attend this session to learn answers to these questions and more.
Protecting Future Access Now: Models for Preserving Digitized Books & Other Content at Cultural Heritage Organizations, an ALCTS webinar, April 27, 2011 at 1 p.m. Central. Cost = FREE, this webinar is part of Preservation Week events.
Over the past decade, the number of digitization projects initiated by cultural heritage organizations has risen dramatically. As these organizations take advantage of digital technologies to make their unique content broadly available, their need to understand the different ways to protect and preserve this digital content becomes increasingly important.
Preserving your Personal Digital Memories, an ALCTS webinar, Thursday, April 28 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Cost = FREE, this webinar is part of Preservation Week events.
Digital photos, electronic documents, and other new media are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. But preserving digital information is a new concept that most people have little experience with. As new technologies appear for creating and saving our personal digital information, older ones become obsolete, making it difficult to access older content. Learn about the nature of the problem and hear about some simple, practical tips and tools to help you keep your digital memories safe.
The New Supervisor's Survival Guide, an Infopeople online course beginning on May 17 and continuing through June 13, 2011. Cost = $150, SCLS member public libraries may use CE Grant funds to attend.
As a first-time supervisor you will be confronted with a series of decisions that can create success or failure in your new job. With a few well-planned moves, you can enjoy a successful transition and tenure in the new position. Success depends on a number of factors: preparation, an accurate assessment of the situation into which the new supervisor is moving, a good network that provides support from stakeholders, and performance management and conflict resolution skills. This course will cover each of these topics, and the course assignments will provide opportunities to explore the topics in detail.
Building the Digital Branch: Designing Effective Library Websites with David Lee King, an ALA TechSource Workshop. Scheduled for Wednesday, June 8 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Central time. Cost = $50. SCLS member public libraries may use CE Grant funds to attend.
In this workshop King takes you through the process of building an effective, user-friendly library website that will expand and enhance your library's presence in the community.