Here are some up coming CE Opportunities for you this week. Enjoy!
- Beyond the Rhymes: Rethinking the Who, Where and How of Storytimes, Part 1: the People, a FREE Infopeople webinar. Scheduled for February 6 at 2 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Beyond the Rhymes: Rethinking the Who, Where, and How of Storytimes, Part 2: the Place, a FREE Infopeople webinar. Scheduled for February 11 at 2 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Integrating iPads and Tablet Computers into Library Services, an ALA TechSource workshop. Scheduled for February 13 and 20 at 1:30 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $85*, register here!
- The Library Website, a FREE webinar from American Libraries Live. Scheduled for February 13 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here or visit on day of event to join.
- YA Announcements: Need-To-Know Titles for Teens, a FREE Booklist webinar. Scheduled for February 18 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Measurements that Matter: Analyzing Patron Behavior, a FREE Infopeople webinar. Scheduled for March 4 at 2 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- eReaders: Practical Help for Patrons and Staff, an Infopeople Online course. Scheduled for February 25 - March 24. Cost = $150*, register here!
- Popular E-Books for Your Library, a FREE Booklist webinar. Scheduled for February 25 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Rethinking Reference Collections, an Infopeople Online course. Scheduled for February 25 - March 24. Cost = $150*, register here!
- Denystifying Copyright: How to Educate Your Staff and Community, an ALA Editions Online course. Scheduled to begin March 3 and continue for 4 weeks. Cost = $175*, register here!
- Power Searching: Improve Your Techniques and Amaze Your Customers, an Infopeople Online course. Scheduled for March 11 - April 7. Cost = $150*, register here!
- Getting Started with Digital Projects, an Infopeople Online course. Scheduled for March 18 - April 14. Cost = $150*, register here!
- How to Win Grants for Your Library, a PLA Online course. Scheduled for April 21 - May 16. Cost = $129* - $189*, register here!
* SCLS Member public libraries may use CE Grant funds to attend.