SCLS provided scholarships for three member library staff to attend the WAPL Conference in Pewaukee this past May. Here are a few highlights from our scholarship recipients.
Darla Allen, director of the Charles & JoAnn Lester Library in Nekoosa, attended her first WAPL in a few years. Darla "really enjoyed the Dynamic Dozen with Cathryn Pescinski. In this program, she talked about the 12 low-cost items she always keeps on hand, and how she uses these items to develop imaginative and fun programs. We've already worked a few items and ideas into our Summer Reading Program." Darla also noted how good it was for her to sit in a room and enjoy the questions and the speakers and get new ideas. "I can't put a price on what that did for my mental health."
Cynthia Schlegel, Adult Services and Teen Library Assistant for the Stoughton Public Library was a first-time attendee at the WAPL Conference. Cynthia also attended the Dynamic Dozen program and said it "was the most beneficial session" she attended. In addition, Cynthia attended Reaching out for Outreach with Jennie Fidler and Kelly Davis. "I particularly liked the idea of providing photo booths at outreach or even in the library; I am going to set one up in the teen area for SLP. Some very practical tips on checking out materials while not in the building and good suggestions for reaching out to the schools. It never occurred to me to go to a school open house - it is now on my radar!"
Carolyn Seaver, director of the Albertson Memorial Library in Albany, attended WAPL for the first time in her role as director. Among the sessions Carolyn attended was Veterans in the Library. "There were great resources presented for getting information about starting a veteran’s group in the library and presenting programming that would interest veterans and their families. The biggest takeaway was how the library partnered with a patron with a passion. By helping to facilitate his “dream” the library was able to do some great programming with a partner who came up with the ideas and had the contacts, leaving the library with hosting and promoting. It made me think of the patron in our library with a passion for history. We have partnered with him for some programming, but he may be an underutilized asset."
The SCLS CE Scholarship program is funded in part by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services which administers the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Thank you!