Two interesting CE Opportunities from the Public Library Association came through my email this week and I wanted to share them with you.
First is a webinar called "Unreturned Materials as Barriers to Access" and it's being held on Thursday, July 11 at 1 p.m. Central Time. The cost for the webinar is $43 (PLA member) or $59 (nonmember). The presenters may be familiar to you: Steve Heser, the Director of the Milwaukee County Federated Library System; Paula Kiely, Director of the Milwaukee Public Library; and Joyce Latham, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee's School of Information Studies. The research team asked the question "why don't people return their books?" As more libraries are going fine free, this is an interesting look at the issue.
Next up is a Social Justice and Public Libraries Symposium: Equity Starts with Us. One of the three regional symposiums will be held from October 28 -29 at the Chicago Public Library. The cost for the day and a half symposium is $175 (PLA member) or $250 (nonmember). Registration includes training, materials, and some meals. Lodging and travel are not included. Our own Sarah Lawton from the Madison Public Library will be one of the presenters at the Chicago symposium.
SCLS member public libraries can use CE Grant funds to offset the cost of the webinar or symposium.