Happy September! Here's a sampling of the September CE Opportunities for you. Happy Learning!
- Understanding and Defending Copyright in Your Library, an ALA online workshop scheduled for September 4 and 5 at 1:30 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $75*, register here!
- Snapchat Explained, an ALA Online microlearning webinar scheduled for September 5 at 11 a.m. Cost = $20*, register here!
- 36 Adult Program Ideas in 90 Minutes, an ALA Online workshop scheduled for September 6 at 1:30 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $60*, register here!
- Tools for Locating Primary Sources in Archives and Online, a RUSA webinar scheduled for September 6 at 12 noon Central Time. Cost = $45 - $65*, register here!
- WiLSWorld Shorts: Open Educational Resources: The State of the State, a FREE webinar scheduled for September 7 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Creating and Expanding Innovative Spaces in Your Library, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - December 2. Cost = $500*, register here!
- Advanced Public Library Administration, an iSchool online course scheduled for September 10 - December 2. Cost = $415*, register here!
- Using WebDewey and Understanding Dewey Decimal Classification, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - October 7. Cost = $175*, register here!
- Solutions for Challenging Workplace Relationships: Working Through Incivility and Conflict with Emotional Intelligence, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - October 14. Cost = $250*, register here!
- Creating Meaningful Programs for Infants and Caregivers, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - October 7. Cost = $175*, register here!
- Business Outreach for the Public Librarian, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - October 7. Cost = $175*, register here!
- Web Design Basics for Librarians, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - October 7. Cost = $175*, register here!
- Adult Programming: Planning for Success, an ALA Online course scheduled for September 10 - September 30. Cost = $199*, register here!
- Marketing the 21st Century Library, a RUSA Online course scheduled for September 10 - October 8. Cost = $130 - $210*, register here!
- Reads for the Reluctant, a FREE Booklist webinar scheduled for September 11 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Using Surveys to Improve Your Library Workshop, a two-part ALA Online workshop scheduled for September 12 and 19 at 1:30 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $75*, register here!
- Library Programming; Getting it Right!, a LibraryWorks webinar scheduled for September 13 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $49*, register here!
- Fall for These Must-Haves for Every Elementary to YA Reader, a FREE Booklist webinar scheduled for September 13 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Basic Public Library Administration, an iSchool online course scheduled for September 17 - December 9. Cost = $415*, register here!
- Babies in the Library, an iSchool Online course scheduled for September 17 - Ocober 28. Cost = $200*, register here!
- Programming for Tweens, an iSchool Online course scheduled for September 17 - October 21. Cost = $165*, register here!
- Using Themes to Improve Your Readers' Advisory, a FREE NoveList Conversations webinar scheduled for September 18 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Happily-Ever-After Guaranteed, a FREE Booklist webinar scheduled for September 18 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Libraries and Community Health: Prescribing Programs that Support Your Community's Needs, an ASCLA webinar scheduled for September 19 at 12 noon Central Time. Cost = $45 - $65*, register here!
- Double Your Circ on a Dime, a Library Journal online course scheduled for September 20 - October 4. Cost = $199*, register here!
- Teens and Libraries Working Together to Create Interactive, Child-Directed, STEAM-Inspired Learning Environment, a LibraryWorks webinar scheduled for September 20 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $49*, register here!
- Youth Services 101, an iSchool Online course scheduled for September 24 - November 18. Cost = $275*, register here!
- Public & Community Library Services, an iSchool Online course scheduled for September 24 - December 16. Cost = $415*, register here!
- Introduction to Electronic Resource Licensing, an iSchool Online course scheduled for September 24 - November 4. Cost = $200*, register here!
- Creating Inclusive Storytimes for ALL Children, an ALA online workshop scheduled for September 26 at 1:30 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $60*, register here!
- Get Started with AR/VR/Mixed Reality, a Library Journal online course scheduled for September 26 - October 11. Cost = $225*, register here!
* SCLS Member public libraries may use CE Grant funds to attend.