Here are some March CE opportunities for you. Enjoy!
- Introducing the Book as iPad App, a FREE webinar from ALA TechSource. Scheduled for March 1 at noon Central Time. Register here!
- March Classes at the Library Juice Academy:
- Success in First Library Supervisor Position, cost = $175*
- Introduction to RDA, Cost = $175*
- Do-It-Yourself Usability Testing, Cost = $175*
- Connecting with Spanish-Speaking Communities, Cost = $175*
- Team-Based Work Sructures and Productivity, Cost = $90*
- Working Faster, Working Smarter: Productivity Strategies for Librarians, Cost = $90*
- Using Drupal to Build Library Websites, an ALA Editions e-course. Scheduled to begin March 4 and continue for six weeks. Cost = $250*, register here!
- Using Wordpress to Build Library Websites, an ALA Editions e-course. Scheduled to begin March 4 and continue for six weeks. Cost = $250*, register here!
- Programming for Children & Tweens, an Infopeople Online course. Scheduled for March 5 - April 1. Cost = $150*, register here!
- Digital Littles at the Library: Teaching Digital Literacy, a webinar from Programming Librarian. Scheduled for March 12 at 2 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $25 - $35*, Register here!
- Panel Discussion: New Graphic Novels for Libraries & Classroom, a FREE Booklist webinar. Scheduled for March 12 at 1 p.m. Central Time. Register here!
- Collaborating with Teens to Build Better Library Programs, an ALA Editions e-course. Scheduled to begin April 1 and continue for four weeks. Cost = $175*, register here!
- Using Webisodes to Take Your Teen Programming to Them, Wher They Are, When They Are!, a webinar from Programing Librarian. Scheduled for April 9 at 2 p.m. Central Time. Cost = $25 - $35*, register here!