As I was reading the January 2010 issue of Library Journal, I was marking articles and sections that I wanted to make copies of to keep in my files. Then, I re-read The User Experience by Aaron Schmidt (one of the articles that I copied). In particular, Aaron's experience of moving the stapler to make it more accessible to both library patrons and staff started me thinking. Moving the stapler was a simple act that made many people happy.
Why I was going to copy these particular articles or sections that would end up on my desk or in my files and never referred to again? What did I really want to accomplish? After thinking about it some more, I realized that what I wanted to do was to share what I found interesting or thought provoking enough to want to keep in my files. The physical act of copying an interesting item made the memory of it more tangible - and easier to recall later. How could I accomplish the same thing without wasting paper?
Yes, I could share them with Delicious (and I did tag The User Experience) but I wanted to do a little more. So, I'm starting a new feature in Know More. When I go through the various journals and magazines that come across my desk, I'll pass along those things that piqued my interest, made me think, or made me want to Know More. This will be very subjective as what interests me may not be of interest to you - but hopefully, you'll find some nuggets of information here to that'll make you want to Know More, too!