It was great seeing so many of you at WLA in Appleton last week. I hope you enjoyed the conference and learned a lot of new things to take back to your libraries.
If you want to know what happened, check out some handouts, or see the slides from the Lee Rainie's keynote presentation - you can!
Search Twitter for #wla09 to find out what people were saying during the conference. You might find some new tweeps to follow, too!
Check out the WLA blog for reviews and notes of some of the conference presentations.
Check out the WLA Conference page for available handouts. If you are interested in the handouts from the SLP Pre-Conference, they are here.
Slides from Lee Rainie's Keynote presentation, The Magic of Social Networks are available here.
Links from the Have You Heard presentation are collected on Delicious.
This isn't an exhaustive list - if you know of more, please let me know and I'll add them here.